Worshiping God and celebrating His creation!”

Welcome to our inclusive community

Left to Right:
Hunter L. Jones (Vice-President), Tony L. Jones (First Paladin), Alyssa L. Jones (Secretary)

The Christian Druid Fellowship is currently an online-only forum. We are planning on building a small physical location in Ellisville, MS, but this will take some time, as our Paladin will be building during his spare time. We will get there eventually, but we wanted to make this online forum available until and beyond its completion. Thank you for your patience.

Unveiling the essence of inclusive fellowship

“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” - 1 Corinthians 13:13

The greatest emphasis of the Bible is Love. Unconditional, real, Godly Love. We are all God’s children, and the Bible teaches that God loves and cherishes His children. His love and forgiveness are unconditional. As ours should be. There is no place for hatred and bigotry in a Christian heart! This church does not discriminate against any age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. If you have a love for God and a desire to protect His creation, you are welcome here!

Perhaps you would like to know a little bit about our beliefs. If I had to give a quick summary, Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of all Christians. God sent Jesus to sacrifice Himself for the forgiveness of all mankind. With His sacrifice, Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament and began a new covenant. He taught love, forgiveness and repentance above all else. He taught that the only way to the Father is through Him, and He taught us EXACTLY how to pray. He taught that His laws would be written in the hearts and minds of all men. (We believe this is referring to what we know as a conscience.)

Interested in becoming a paladin?

Paladin: a determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.

We call our priests paladins because we expect them to be champions for the cause of global preservation through community education and encouragement. Do not become a paladin if you do not plan to take participate in the church’s efforts. This is not an ordination mill.

We are assuming that you have read this site and understand the church’s beliefs and values. If not, you should do so before continuing.

Additionally, you can find sacraments and celebration guidelines under the Resources tab of this site. Please learn these guidelines if you plan to become a paladin.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us! We look forward to working with you!

Connect With Us

Welcome to our online forum where Christian Druids come together to socialize, share testimonies, and engage with church officials. Feel free to reach out to us and we'll be in touch promptly. Remember, this site is a valuable resource for those aspiring to become Paladins in our faith.