Our Core Beliefs

God created the universe and all living things within it.

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to be sacrificed for our sins.

The Bible is a guide that teaches us the history of God’s chosen people. It explains why there was a need for Jesus to be born, then sacrificed in order to save us from eternal damnation; about the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior; about the lessons taught by Jesus, Himself; the teaching of His apostles; and Revelations of things yet to come.

After the resurrection of Jesus, the Old Testament laws were fulfilled, thereby bringing them to an end.

Jesus taught us to follow our conscience; to let it be our guide to know right from wrong.

We pray to God as Jesus taught us with only the Lord’s Prayer, through Jesus’ name. As Jesus taught, God knows what’s in our hearts; to pray the Lord’s Prayer is to give respect, honor and obedience to God.

Nature, in all of its splendid glory, was one of God’s greatest gifts to us, and as such, should be treated with respect and consideration. To strip the earth of its resources, to overpopulate it and to pollute it is an affront to God. We must strive to fix what we’ve broken.

We must take time each and every day to give thanks to God for all of His blessings on us.

We must take time each day to actively engage in activities to clean up and beautify the Earth.

Obey the law of the land as instructed by Jesus Christ.

Behavior Expectations

It is required of every member of The Christian Druid Fellowship, especially Paladins, to adhere to appropriate behavioral standards. Failure to adhere to the following standards will subject members to disciplinary action from the church, including the possibility of excommunication, depending on the severity of infractions.

First and foremost, obey federal, state and local laws at all times.

Treat others with respect, even if they are different or have different beliefs.

Violence will not be tolerated.

Discrimination, prejudice and bigotry will not be tolerated.

The use of man-made or processed drugs is prohibited, except as prescribed by a physician. Cannabis and alcohol are permitted, in moderation and where legal.

Do not misrepresent the church. Church activities must be sanctioned by the First Paladin, with documentation.

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated.

As a general rule of thumb, if you would be embarrassed to be caught doing something by your mother, don't do it. Always assume that your actions will be seen by others.


Advocacy is the art of taking action to effect change. It comes in many forms, but for the church's purpose, we will concentrate on advocacy through community education. It is our belief that the best way to accomplish change is one community at a time. Through hard work and determination, we can transform our societies into stewards of the Earth, caring for and coexisting with nature, rather than destroying it.

Official Church Holidays

There are only five holidays officially recognized by the church:

Good Friday - A day of reverence for our Lord's crucifixion.

Easter Monday - A day of celebration of our Lord's resurrection.

Arbor Day - A day set aside for the betterment of the planet.

Thanksgiving - A day to give special thanks for the gifts given us by our Lord.

Christmas - A day of celebration of our Lord's birth.

**Note: Holiday services are to be treated the same as the Sabbath.

Welcome to The Christian Druid Fellowship

Connect with fellow Christian Druids, share your stories, and find a community that uplifts your spirit via Discord. Your journey as a Paladin starts here. New members will be sent an invite to our Discord server.

Embrace the roots of our faith, walk your path with pride, and let your light shine bright. Your presence enriches our sacred grove.

May your words resonate, may your heart be open, and may your connection with the divine flourish. Welcome home, seeker of truth.

Here’s what you need to know about us…